Politics are quite the controversial topic. The two major parties are usually pitted against each other by the other party. Many people today seem to believe they cannot always coexist with someone of the other party, or more simply of other “political beliefs.” But what does the Bible, which is God’s Word to us, have to say about politics? Specifically, who should we cast that ballot for on election day?
It is an important question with a very wide range of repercussions depending on all the people and representatives. It determines how this nation will be ran as well as how it is viewed internationally and within the nation itself. A leader of a people, nation, tribe, or even a family has many implications on how the subjects/followers, family members, tribesmen, and citizens act and believe. There is a correlation with how a leader of a group thinks, acts, and believes that is passed down to those they are leading.
Some of you may be thinking, “The Bible does not say anything about United States politics. The United States did not exist back then and there was not any talk about social politics, or legal language debates, or border policy, or any formal code of law. There is also definitely not a step-by-step test to see who the best president would be.” But the Bible does speak about some of those topics. Not exactly in the terms or context of laws and politics. But our politics should be influenced by our Christian faith. They should not and cannot be separated, since how we see and interact with the world is influenced by our worldview. And as a Christian, our worldview should be based on the Word of God.
What is a Biblical leader?
First, when we are discussing who we should be voting for, we need to confirm what we are looking for in a leader. What are their character qualities, political ideals, and past actions or policies that they have enacted that align to the Bible’s standards? When we are looking for a leader of any group, whether our president, senators, representatives, council members, school board, we must discern who they are, what they stand for, and what they are standing on.
Leaders are to be pinnacles of the faith. 1 Timothy 3:8-10 says, “Deacons likewise must be dignified, not double-tongued, not addicted to much wine, not greedy for dishonest gain. They must hold the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. And let them also be tested first; then let them serve as deacons if they prove blameless.” Even though this verse is speaking specifically about deacons and not political leaders, the standards for church leadership is a helpful and godly standard to apply to leadership in politics. Now obviously we cannot always expect every election year to have a believer on the ballot, whether for the primaries or for the general election. However, a good leader is a good leader and the Biblical standard for leaders does not get much higher. Now something we can take away from this is that they should not be hot tempered, they should be dignified, they should be diplomatic, not always jumping to fight with someone, or someone of disrepute. Nor should they be a liar, or a hypocrite. If they say something they should mean it, how few and far between that seems to be in the political field. They should not be easily addicted to a substance, or greedy. Imagine a president who is an alcoholic or a drug addict. They should be tested first. Making sure they have the experience and knowledge to run this country. We cannot have someone with no leadership experience, they should be tested and shown to have the metal to do so. All of this should be true of every believer, not that we can do so perfectly or in our own strength, but especially our leaders.
Leaders are to look after those under their care more than their own interest. Philippians 2:3–4 says, “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” The job of the leader, especially the elected President of the United States, is to look out for the interest of the people under him. Not to further the agenda he needs to push to get elected again, not even what those who elected him tell him to do, but what is most beneficial for them. If politicians today thought like this, how much more good would be done by the government? The most beneficial thing a leader can do is lead people to Christ. In a political light, this may present as making and passing laws that are aligned with biblical ideals. Separation of church and state is not biblical in the sense of not having religion influence politics. Christianity should affect our political ideas. In fact, in Deuteronomy 17:18-19, it talks about how the king of Israel should have his own copy of the Law of God. God intended leaders to be religiously involved and not separated from it. The Word of God should inform the leader(s) on their laws and ethics.
Biblical Law
You may be wondering what exactly Biblical laws are. Biblical laws are those that please God by following the principles laid out in scripture. Some examples are:
Unlawful behavior is ultimately anything that God has deemed sinful (goes against His nature and glory). So, though murder is against God’s Law that He gave us in the Old Testament, it is also able to be extrapolated from the fact that murder is not loving one’s neighbor, but loving self. If we love others more than ourselves, we will not sin and will not break the law (Proverbs 21:15 and Genesis 9:5-6).
Therefore, we should vote for those who uphold God’s law. Not a cultural agenda or ideology. We should not vote for someone because of a certain party they are running with. Not Republican or Democratic or even independent. We are first and foremost Christians, whether we are politicians or civilians. And our leader of this country will most benefit the country and glorify God if he is following Christian values, righteous laws, and God’s word. There are leaders in the Republican Party and Independents who are against these biblical principles, however, the very thought processes and ideologies of the Democratic Party and its leadership are very much against Christianity. Because of its leadership, the party is now against Christianity, biblical families, biblical sexuality, exclusively biblical (heterosexual) and true marriage, and the sanctity of life(Psalm 139:13, Jeremiah 20:17, 1 Timothy 1:10, 1 Corinthians 6:9).
Voting From A Biblical Worldview
Our whole life should be influenced by our view of the Bible and God, especially our voting. Our voting affects how we live life in this country for the glory of God. Not that we cannot glorify God without living in a godly country, for most countries are against God and have many ungodly laws and leaders. We are called then to go against the laws and to glorify God first and foremost, and to spread His Good News of the Gospel. But when we have the unique chance here in the United States to have a say in who runs our country and who makes the laws, we have an obligation to vote for those who will most closely uphold biblical standards. We must use those opportunities God has given us to try and make a more righteously living nation and bless those in the nation. We have a moral obligation and a godly obligation to vote for those who further God’s law and blessings. Using all the different measures of people's personal character, political views, ethical views, etc., we are able to make a biblically informed decision on how to vote. Both for our leaders, and even on laws themselves when we have the chance. Glorifying God is the chief end of man, (Westminster Shorter Catechism) whether in our lawmaking or our living.
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